  1. Big Signal

I wrote "Big Signal" just for fun, when I was supposed to be working on something else. I was trying to do one of those write-and-record-it-in-a-week challenges that I've been posting about, but this was not the song I was trying to write. I was just playing around with my guitar in a spare moment and I played the main riff for this piece & recorded it in a new project.

In recording it, my goal was to get a really big, driving guitar sound by trying out some tricks I'd learned on YouTube. I had gotten a lot of feedback saying that people liked some of the Radiohead-sounding elements of my stuff, and so I was a little bit going for some Radiohead vibe here. Though I confess the synth doesn't sound like Radiohead at all. Maybe Muse? One person compared it to Devo, which I guess I can kind of see. It also reminds me of Tomita, my first love in electronic music.

Anyway this one was really fun for me. I feel like this mix might be pretty close to done; I'm not sure what else I would add to it though I could probably clean up a couple of things.